[php-blog-devs] Your order nr. APP63H10J2710J3
2015-10-27 22:01:56 UTC
Thank you for buying the following product:
Product Name:Fifa 2016
Order Number: EO3T3SDE3Z
Receipt Date: 27/10/2015
Order total: 49.35 ˆ
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You can find the AppStore Store Terms of Sale and Sales Policies by launching your AppStore application and clicking on Terms of Sale or Sales Policies.
2015-10-27 18:25:52 UTC
Thank you for buying the following product:
Product Name:Fifa 2016
Order Number: EO3T3SDE3Z
Receipt Date: 27/10/2015
Order total: 49.35 ˆ
If you did not authorize this purchase, please visit the AppStore Order Cancellation Form within the next 6 hours in order to cancel the payment.
You can find the AppStore Store Terms of Sale and Sales Policies by launching your AppStore application and clicking on Terms of Sale or Sales Policies.
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